Conservancy of
Central Pennsylvania

About C3PA

Despite initial appearances, central Pennsylvania has some very high-quality climbing
areas. Several ridge tops contain intricately pocketed sandstone boulders, and there are
many defunct limestone quarries that have left stable, climbable limestone cliffs behind.

The number of climbers in the region has increased dramatically as the sport has become
more popular and as improvements in gear and technique have improved safety. We have
a vibrant climbing community in central Pennsylvania, and the outpouring of support for
C3PA has been impressive.

The Problem

Most of the climbing areas in Pennsylvania lie on private land. Most of these areas are
currently closed to climbing, primarily because climbers have not mobilized as a community
for this cause until now. Some areas are threatened by development. A couple have
already been destroyed.

Our Goals

  • Permanently preserve the climbing areas of Central Pennsylvania
  • Allow public recreational access
  • Allow public climbing access


  • Address landowner liability concerns
  • Easement or conservation easement that allows climbing
  • Assist with the transfer of land to state or local government agency
  • Lease to allow climbing
  • Acquire the property outright
  • Formal or informal agreements
  • Any combination of the above

Other Services We Provide

  • Stewardship and care of climbing areas
  • Landowner assistance (legal, labor, financial)
  • Public education about climbing and conservation

Contact Information

Mailing address:

Climbing Conservancy of Central Pennsylvania, Inc.
1307 University Dr
State College, PA 16801

Here are some of our volunteers that you’re welcome to contact:

Ieva Perkons
(814) 880-0939

Tom Mrotek
(412) 610-2481

Scott Woods
(814) 883-0368